Creative Problem Solving for Innovative Startups
- Dr. Sadan Kulturel‐Konak, Professor of Management Information Systems & Director of Creativity, Entrepreneurship and Economic Development (CEED) Center at Pennsylvania State University Berks
- Dr. Abdullah Konak, Professor of Information Sciences and Technology at the Pennsylvania State University Berks
Entrepreneur Corner: Advertising Strategy
- Mr. Jeffery Liu, COO of Snapask
Startup Fundraising Workshop Part 2
- Mr. Jonathan Chee, Centre Manager, Pi Centre
DIY 3D Printing Mood Lamp
- Dr. Tony XIN, Founder of COCOROBO
Startup Fundraising Workshop Part 1
- Mr. Jonathan Chee, Centre Manager, Pi Centre
Maker Class: Desktop Stand for Laptop |
Workshop on UX Design & Social CRM
- Mr. Kofi Lai, Data Analytics Manager of Fimmick & Mr. Adrian So, Business Analyst of Fimmick
Startup Accounting Workshop
- Ms. Eunice Chu, Head of Policy, ACCA Hong Kong
Maker Class: Desk Accessories Organizer |
Cyberport Seminar: Cultivating Tomorrow’s Innovators for a Better Future
- Ms. Flora Yeung, Manager - Business Development, Entrepreneurs Team, Cyberport
Pitch Your Idea |
Legal Series: Introduction to Employment Law and Labour Contracts
- The New Ventures Legal Team (NVLT)
Product 4.0 生態發展與香港創新創業機會
- 程天縱老師, 前惠普中國總裁、前富士康集團行政總裁及前德州儀器亞太區總裁
Fostering Entrepreneurship at NUS: The Entrepreneurial Role of NUS Enterprise
- Prof. Wong Poh Kam, Director of NUS Entrepreneurship Centre, Professor of NUS Business School
暢談創業 - 繪出你的創業藍圖 |
Legal Series: Intellectual Property Law
- The New Ventures Legal Team (NVLT)
Content Marketing on Social Media
- Mr. Willy Lai, Co-founder & Business Director of Fimmick
Pi Centre Info Session (Spring 2017)
- Mr. Jonathan Chee, Pi Centre Manager
Design Your Own Mood Lamp! |
Digital Marketing Strategies on FB and IG
- Mr. Willy Lai, Co-founder & Business Director of Fimmick
Legal Series: Contract Law for Start-up
- The New Ventures Legal Team (NVLT)
Event Digest @ January 2017 |
Team Dynamic: Tips on Effective Team Work
- Ms. Elsie Tsui, Director of InnoLead Consulting
初創企業銀行開戶指南 |
Pitch Your Idea |