Cyberport University Partnership Programme 2021 (CUHK) |
Dilution and the Effect
- Ms. Carrie Hui, Partner, Chak & Associates LLP.
How to win in marketing with low budget? Content Marketing Strategies for Startups
- Ms Rem Chiu, Co-founder & Marketing Director, More Digital Limited
Video Production: Basics & Useful Tools
- Mr. Sam Or, Head of Corporate Creative, Fimmick
Legal Series: Protecting your Business through Intellectual Property |
City I&T Grand Challenge Info Session |
- 飛天奶茶聯合創辦人及行政總裁陳柏基
- 中大PI Centre行政經理鄭盈中
Pitch Your Idea |
Entrepreneur Corner: Expanding HK based Business to Taiwan
- Mr. Alan Chan, Founder & CEO of Omnichat
- Mr. Danny Chong, Senior Investment Director from Gobi Partners
- Mr. Duncan Hui, Country Manager of Spaceship
- Mr. Keith Chan, Co-founder & CEO of Flying Milk Tea
PI Centre Information Session (Spring 2021) |
AI Technology and Career Opportunities
- Mr. Timothy Leung, Executive Director of HKAI Lab
- Mr. San Wong, CTO and Co-founder of Arical Limited
- Mr. Davis Cheng, Co-founder of Avaron Technologies Limited
Legal Series: Introduction to Employment Law and Labour Contracts |
Team formation - Online Matching (Spring 2021) |
LinkedIn for Startups
- Mr. Chapman Ho and Mr. Zed Kua of LinkedIn
Extend HK business in Taiwan: Startup Ecosystem in Taiwan
- Mr. Peter Liang, Operations Manager for Everiii; Startup development team, Taiwan Startup Stadium (TSS)
默克粵港澳大灣區創新沙龍新年特輯-生物醫藥創新領域分享 |
Entrepreneur Corner: Spread-it!
- Mr. Timothy Ng, Co-founder of Spread-it
- Mr. Ivan Wong, Co-founder of Flowsophic and Flowclass
Influencer Marketing workshop
- Meggy Cheng, Senior Influencer Marketing Manager, Fimmick
Hong Kong Techathon 2021 |
- 香港中文大學研究及知識轉移服務處創業項目加速總監朱瑞富先生 Jonathan
Entrepreneur Corner: Rice Robotics
- Mr. Victor Lee, Founder & CEO of Rice Robotics
- Mr. Jerry Szeto, Co-Founder & CEO of The AuLaitino
Legal Series: Company Practice
- New Ventures Legal Team (NVLT)
From Bootstrapping to VC: Building an Investable Startup from Scratch in Dormitory
- Miss Christie Leung, Rookie Fund Alumna, Co-founder, itinni (PI Team)
- Mr. Jeffery Broer, Co-Director, Founder Institute
- Mr. Tim Chan, Founder, Growth Marketer Academy
- Ms. Nat Lertplakorn, Investment Analyst, HB Ventures
Shareholding Issues Founders Need to Know
- Ms. Carrie Hui, Partner, Chak & Associates LLP.
The Vice Chancellor's Cup of Student Entrepreneurship - VCCE Pitch day 2020 |