Craft & Deliver an Outstanding Pitch

Thu, 2021/10/07 - 18:30 to 20:00
Mr. Freddy Law, Co-Founder & CEO of Storius
UGA @ CUHK InnoPort

Language: English

Want to know how you can capture people's attention with your pitch and persuade them to believe in your product and company? Then don't miss out! Learn how to effectively craft & deliver an outstanding pitch this upcoming workshop!

About the Speaker
Freddy Law is the co-founder and CEO at Storius, an audio guide app for outdoor exploration. He is committed to nurturing innovative talents. He is also the Founder of Cross Innovation, an innovation consultancy training different sectors to create new solutions effectively. Before that, he was the Director of Education For Good, offering training to Sun Life, Deloitte, Oracle, SCMP, etc. Freddy is an honorable lecturer at The University of Hong Kong. He is a Non-Official Member of the Human Resource Planning Commission, chaired by the Chief Secretary for Administration of the HK Government, aiming at enhancing Hong Kong's human capital. Freddy graduated from The Hong Kong Polytechnic University and Zhejiang University with a Bachelor of Arts majoring in Language Studies with Business.

*** This is a physical event.***

Priority will be given to PI teams, TSSSU teams and CUHK students if the number of registrants is more than expected.

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