
mobot is a robotic startup that aims at uplifting human values by automation and mechanization with a smart vision. mobot focuses on designing and developing the next generation of flexible and dexterous intelligent service robot that automates tasks require a wide range of mobility.

mobot is flexible with its AGV (Automated Guided Vehicle), and its robotic arms to enhance its mobility. mobot can automatically change various plug and play accessories, so as to manipulate objects of any shape, size or weight in any environment with the help of AI. One machine is needed to handle objects of every shape and sizes. This significantly widen the applications of mobot as a service robot.

mobot can be used in restaurants, elderly homes and hospitals and be operated by less-physically-privileged servers to serve sustainable ESG purposes.

Smart mobot, smart life!


mobot 是一間機器人初創公司,願景旨在通過自動化和機械化來提升人類價值。 mobot 致力設計和開發能夠自動執行各種高度靈活任務的人工智能服務機器人,並可以自動執行需要廣泛靈活移動性的任務。

mobot 內置的 AGV(自動導引車)和機械臂非常靈活,可增強其機動性。 mobot 可以自動更換各種即插即用的配件,在 AI 的幫助下,在任何環境中能操控任何形狀、大小或重量的物件。現只需要一部機器就可以處理各種形狀和大小的物件,大大提升了mobot作為服務機器人的應用。

mobot 可使用於餐廳、護老院和醫院等場景,或者由肢體活動不佳的服務員運作,以達到ESG (環境,社會,管治)可持續發展的理念。



  • Mr. Ching Wai Hung (Daniel)
  • Ms. Hui Suk Wai (Liz)



Current Team (2022 Fall Intake)